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Every now and then, a factory second insert appears in our product selection, but what does that mean? Quite simply: There are very, very rarely a few optical misprints with small errors and defects that do not affect the function of the insert. So much, much, much too bad to melt it down again. Since the effort would be too great to describe it exactly with photos, you can not see in advance, what exact errors your FACTORY SECOND insert has, but you get it 20% off.

Factory seconds are excluded from any further discounts. If you want to order a factory second and any other products with a discount code or during a promotion, please place a separate order for the factory second.

When we founded the store, we thought for a long time about whether we wanted to sell the gimmicks or other individual parts of our inlays individually, but in the end we decided against this idea, because the commissioning effort would simply be too great and therefore financially unsustainable, and we would no longer be able to offer the inserts or individual parts for this price. In addition, especially in the gimmicks is a lot of development hours and love.

We put a lot of emphasis on high quality and stable designs, so that you will not break anything quickly, but of course you get a replacement if you happen to have a mishap. Just send us an email to mail@eurohell-design.com with a photo of what you broke and we will send you the replacement part as soon as possible for a small price plus postage.

No problem, since our game shelf is also always overflowing, we certainly try to make everything possible that the subsequent expansions fit into the inlay base box. Since our 3d printed inserts consist of a number of individual parts, you can always purchase the expansion inlay as far as space allows and simply sort it into your already purchased basic inlay or possibly exchange individual parts. However, sometimes it is not possible to fit everything into the basic box without giving up one or the other gimmick that guarantees a really faster build – of course we don’t want that, so it can happen in rare cases that you need the expansion box to sort the inlay. For a better overview you can see on the respective product page of the expansions whether everything fits into the basic box or you need the expansion box.

Unfortunately, it happens from time to time that the sizes of the boxes or the number of parts change from version to version, because we can not store and buy an infinite number of games we are dependent on your assistance. So if you discover a mistake, please send us a mail to mail@eurohell-design.com with a photo of what is different with you, preferably also a photo of the contents and the box from the front and back to recognize your version, so that we can adjust the upgrade directly for you and all others with the same version.

We use only biocompatible, high-quality polylactide (PLA) or colloquially also polylactic acid, so that we can guarantee a homogeneous, non-transparent color shade as well as consistent quality.

No, this is not an error and is quite typical for any 3D printed object. Your 3D product has a seam or small dots in a few places, because every printed path has a beginning and an end per layer, so the Z-seam is technically conditioned and cannot be prevented. However, it does not disturb at all and does not change the joy of the colorful inlays.

We would like non card sleevers to enjoy our inlays as much as you card sleevers. Since the opinions about card sleeves are always strongly divided, we have decided to adapt our designs so that they can be used for unsleeved cards and also for the vast majority of sleeve sizes. So you can use them for sleeved as well as unsleeved cards without any problems. We have decided against 2 versions, because so the non-sleever years after the purchase can still decide to sleeving without being annoyed to have bought something that no longer fits. We ourselves are not sleevers and play with our inlays and the adapted card slots for sleeves do not bother at all 😉 The maximum size of the sleeves of each inlay can be found at the respective product. Please measure your sleeves, so you can be sure before buying if the inlay fits for your sleeves.

In our store you will only find upgrades for games that we have played ourselves a few times before design. This is so important to us, because you often notice only in multiple play what an upgrade exactly needs. Also we test our upgrades to improve them of course before release in the store extensively ourselves. Since we are mainly Eurogamers there will probably be a larger selection in this direction, but of course we also play with our family.

All our design we have created ourselves with a lot of effort, sweat and time. Here in the store there are no reprints of publicly available data. Since all our know-how is in the print data and we have also massively rebuilt our printers, so that the data on standard printers would not run decently, we naturally do not provide STL data of our designs. The risk of distribution due to the lack of protection of such data only for one-off prints or the distribution of unprofessional prints that could become visible with our name is simply too great. That’s why you only get finished designs from us, which are professionally printed by us for you!