Delivery Time

Live order status and delivery estimates

Sustainability is a top priority for us, so with the exception of trade shows, we print our products on demand. So we have a dynamic delivery time depending on the current order volume.

Always be up-to-date with our live status. But how does it work?

Before you place your order:

On each product page, you’ll see a shipping time that changes dynamically with every order in our shop, so you’ll know how long you’ll have to wait out the anticipation as accurately as possible.

After your order with customer account:

You can view all your orders in your customer account! You can not only see what you have ordered and when but also the current status of each order. The shipping date when the order was placed – our forecast – as well as an estimated shipping date that is always calculated live:

As a highlight our temperature bar shows you how many of your ordered products have already been produced. When your order is ready it’s hot as hell here:

After your order without a customer account:

Of course, you do not have to create a customer account with us. Even without a customer account, you can check the current status of your order at any time in the footer of our store using your order number and the e-mail address used during the order process:


We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who is understanding that there are still only two of us in product development, production and shipping and that we have no bad intentions if it takes a little longer than usual. We are trying to make you happy with all our possibilities and to provide you with new cool upgrades. We simply didn’t expect you to overwhelm us with so much interest and orders.

Even if you wait longer or shorter, you will not be treated worse or better than others. This is solely due to the production on our printers: tokens are usually produced in sets for several orders at once as many more individual small parts can be produced at once so we work from the back and distribute these sets for dispatch and, of course, later orders are automatically dispatched a little earlier if, for example, you have only ordered this one token set. But, rest assured, our priority is to send out the first orders first.

We are extremely grateful for every single order and happy to be able to live our dream. We can only move forward with your help and patience. We are giving it our all and are continuing to upgrade massively from month to month so that you can be supplied with new cool stuff much faster in the future.